Who else?

I am not the only person on the Internet. It's just as well, really, isn't it? Amazingly, I know other people who write things down on the web. Here are my ringing endorsements.

"The Gadabout"
From the man who failed to bring you "That Morty Jones Hype", this blog failed to complete the self-imposed challenge of 30 posts in 30 days. But the posts that did get written were certainly well-written and interesting. You can only hope that he goes on to write some more stuff until his body collapses under the strain of the toxic substances of which he is so dearly fond.

"Andy Stevens Art"
You know that feeling when your friends are superior to you? Of course you do. Well multiple it by a few and see how this guy can draw things that aren't just stickmen. What a glorious bastard. He used to post his art on a blog called "The Entry Plug", but not any more.

 "Up 'N' Under"
I don't care much for rugby, but Sean Freer does. He cares about it and writes about it, so if that's your sort of pleasure you might as well check it out. Previously he wrote a blog entitled "One For The Weekend".

"Fairway Finder"
"The Belly Putter and indeed the Broom Handle have transformed the declining games of some of the world's top pros." If that sentence meant anything to you, you might know your stuff about golf. So does my friend Jon, who provides analysis of the long walk spoiled on his blog.

"Cross Culture Cinema"
I went to the same school as the author of this blog, though I wouldn't say I know him. What I do know is that his list of cinema's fifty greatest moments is right about its number one spot, and film fanatics would do well to comb through the other choices.

As they're all a bunch of amateurs, some of my friends' blogs aren't updated frequently. Or haven't been updated in quite a while, probably forgotten about. These are those:

He might be eschewing the convention of putting spaces between words in the title, but the posts themselves are a bit more grammatically sane. Putting across an opinionated look at whatever crosses the mind, it's not updated frequently - but I'm sure there's no link between those two facts.

"Terminal Teenage Doctor Hospital"
Evidently fed up of his Tumblr, Ross now spends time inventing the lunacy of medical soap opera Terminal Teenage Doctor Hospital. Sample episode summary: "Ward 18 faces a tissue shortage after Ryan’s XXX VHS cupboard is raided by patients."

"Nathan's Adventures"
I'm sure that Nathan's various Internet pages take up a good one per cent of all the Internet ever. I could point you towards his old blog, Formspring, Foursquare, DailyBooth, DeviantART, other DeviantART, Last.fm or even the cringe-worthy Netlog page he created many years ago. Instead, I'll point you towards his latest effort. Check it out before he abandons it for a new website.

"A Wee Bit Culture"
I vaguely know one of the people involved in writing this blog, a series of infrequent despatches from Scotland to prove that the city of Stirling "is classier than your granny’s gin addiction and Gauloises fags". With some stuff about Newcastle, as well - because variety is the spice of the life, after all. Oh, and - quelle surprise - it started off fairly frequently updated but now is not.

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