What else?

This is hardly my first foray into the world of electronic wordsmithery, for I have written other things that can be found on other websites. Here's as comprehensive list as I want you to see.

The Three Rs
A now defunct blog run by people I knew at school where I wrote about quite a lot of things. I ranted about Friends episodes, car adverts, movie videogames, videogame movies, people who want to kill off humanity, the Daily Mail, and iTunes. That last link was enough to get me noticed by a New York radio station that wanted to interview about how shit iTunes is - though they eventually didn't.

I also reviewed Internet drama, a webcomic featuring a chicken-headed man, digital comics, FMyLife before it was popular, "The Story of Egmo" (which caused some trouble), and a variety of films from The Asylum, which led to me reviewing Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus. I reckon I was the first person in the UK to review that particular film; eleven months later and Scott Mills mentioned it on the radio, then - before you knew it - it was in Tesco and showing at your local cinema. How about that for trendsetting?

Den of Geek
The popular website where I wrote a piece about a pretty rubbish piece of fan film Doctor Who. I called it "a well-executed little story" which proves that in a few years' time, everything I've said might be euphemistic bollocks.

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